Waste is not just trash Growing cities around the globe also mean growing mountains of waste. Especially in industrialized countries a substantial part of the waste is organic waste and food leftovers. In cities you can’t simply throw it on the compost heap behind the...
supplying the world with organic energy
we are doing it
Botres Marketing
Botres is part of Biobased Industry movement
Biobased Industry According the European Biobased Industry Consortium (BBI) the vision is "leading the transition towards a post-petroleum society while decoupling economic growth from resource depletion and environmental impact". Stake-holder dialog On Nov. 23, 2016...
Amino acids – the foundation of life
Healthy proteins Proteins are amongst the most important components of a healthy diet. They are composed, depending on their type, of different amino acids. The human body can’t produce some of them on it’s own but must receive them through food. Various amino acids...
Nitrate-polluted groundwater poses a real problem
200 million tons of excrement in Germany With the increasing demand for animal products, feedstock is also rising. This creates a real problem. The 200 million tons of manure that occur each year in Germany alone, must also be dumped somewhere – in the truest sense of...
What is the global protein gap?
Feeding a growing world population With the increasing world population, the demand for proteins increases too. Imagine it this way: High quality proteins are vital nutritional ingredient of humans. A major source of these proteins is meat and fish. But animals also...
Chicken manure as valuable energy source
A lot of chicken droppings = a lot of biogas Chicken manure is popular with operators of agricultural biogas plants. It produces a particularly high gas yield - up to 85% compared to the use of corn silage. The problem with ammonium nitrogen But, of course, there's a...