Sincan, Turkey After a construction phase of less than 10 months and successful biological start up, Botres Global has handed over the 2,1 MW turn-key biogas plant to the operator in Ankara. The plant is built as an industrial plant with high hydraulic flow – a...
supplying the world with organic energy
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Botres Marketing
Operating Tests for Bio Scraper at Biogas Plant in Bilecik successfully completed!
Botres Global signed an agreement with Biosun Bilecik Kati Atik, for the supply of a turnkey organic waste pre-treatment and biogas plant in Bilecik, Turkey. Last week, Gabriel Haslehner, project engineer at Botres Global completed the final tests for Botres’ unique...
Botres Global 2,1 MW biyogaz tesisi kurulumu için Ankara
Kasım 2017'de Botres Global, 2,1 MW biyogaz tesisi kurulumu için Ankara bölgesinden tanınmış bir enerji firması ile sözleşme imzaladı. Türkiyede’deki yeni partner şirketi yenilenebilir enerji kaynaklarından sayısız projeyi başarıyla tamamlamıştır. Santralin temel...
Contract signed for the construction of a 2.1 MW AD Plant
Ankara, TR, Graz, AUT Shortly before the end of 2017, Botres Global signed a contract with a well-known energy provider from greater Ankara area for the construction of a 2,1 MW biogas facility. The new partner company in Turkey has successfully completed numerous...
Tutti i benefici dei migliori impianti di biogas in Italia
Prima dell'inizio della green technology expo "Ecomondo" a Rimini, il CTO di Botres Global, il Dr. Markus Grasmug ha condiviso la sua opinione sullo sviluppo delle tecnologie legate ai biogas in Italia. A parte l'expo di Rimini, in questo periodo c'è anche la...
Benefit from the best performing organic waste biogas plants in Italy
Just before the start of the green technology expo “Ecomondo” in Rimini, Botres Global CTO, Dr. Markus Grasmug shared his opinion on the development of biogas technologies in Italy. Next to the expo in Rimini, there is the UN Climate Change Conference in Bonn, what...
Jak polscy inwestorzy mogą podnieść efektywność ekonomiczną projektów biogazowych
Polskie firmy inwestujące w technologię biogazową muszą stawić czoła kilku poważnym wyzwaniom. Rentowność wielu biogazowni może znacznie wzrosnąć, jeśli pracujesz z odpowiednim partnerem. Botres Global jest niezależną, międzynarodową firmą zajmującą się rozwiązaniami...
How Polish investors increase their profitability on biogas technology
Polish companies investing in biogas technology face several severe challenges. The profitability of many biogas plants can go up considerably if working with the right partner. Botres Global is an independent, internationally operating environmental technology...
5th anniversary, a success story in biobased industry
When Dr. Stefan Kromus and Dr. Markus Grasmug first met in 1999 in relation with a Biorefinery R&D project, they already had a quite impressive record in the biobased industry, an industry still in its infancy back then. Back then Stefan was PhD student at Graz...