We are very excited to announce that we have started our first Australian turnkey biogas project in Nowra, 200 km South of Sydney. Last week final contracts have been signed, engineering has commenced. The plant will be built with the industrial scale, well proven...
supplying the world with organic energy
we are doing it
Botres Marketing
Polscy hodowcy drobiu jako jedni z największych producentów obornika kurzego w Europie, borykają się z problemami związanymi z zagospodarowaniem odpadów organicznych. Problem składowania obornika wiąże się nie tylko z zajmowanym miejscem, ale głównie ze sposobem w...
How can we solve chicken manure problem in Poland?
As one of the largest producers of chicken manure in Europe, Polish poultry farmers face problems with organic waste management. The problem of manure is mainly related to the way it is stored and managed. Insufficient management of manure can lead to uncontrolled...
Any kind of feedstock can be treated!
Any kind of feedstock can be treated! In Botres Global we know that flexibility is superior. All our plants are designed as multi feedstock facilities. Botres' technologies are also characterized by unrivalled flexibility in terms of the substrates used, which in...
How to guarantee stability in the Anaerobic Digestion process?
Many biogas plants built in the past are either out of operation, or low in performance. Millions of Nm³ of valuable biogas is missing each year due to poor process technologies and operation. The quality of a biogas plant and the amount of profit it generates,...
Do biogas plants smell?
When starting a biogas project, investors face frequent reluctance of local residents towards this type of investment. The assumption that biogas plants emit unpleasant odour, may have its origin from poorly designed and incorrectly managed installations. It has...
Developing waste to biogas project can be time-consuming and capital-intensive. The initial stage can often last up to two years. Thanks to our long lasting experience with industrial technology and smart information management, we pave the way for low-risk...
“Did you know that…?” Part 2
In the course of the new blog category „Did you know that…?” we would like to talk about Botres Global itself and its technology. What makes Botres Global special and distinguishes it from competitors? In the run of their professional experience, Markus Grasmug and...
New category “Did you know that…?”
We want to introduce you to our new category “Did you know that….”. Here we will regularly post interesting facts about topics concerning biogas, waste or Botres itself. Today we take a closer look at the masses of waste that arise in Europe each year. Did you know...