Die Geschichte von Biogas Austria begann bereits in den frühen 1990er Jahren, mit dem Bau der ersten Biogasanlagen durch Landwirt:innen. Diese dient vor allem der Stromproduktion. In den Anlagen wurde vor allem aus Mais, Gülle oder anderen landwirtschaftlichen...
supplying the world with organic energy
we are doing it
Botres Marketing
Mit Bioabfall raus aus der Energiekrise
Die aktuelle Energiekrise hat uns einmal mehr aufgezeigt, wie wichtig es ist, auf erneuerbare Energien zu setzen, anstatt von fossilem Gas, wie jenem aus Russland, abhängig zu sein. Biogas kann helfen, raus aus der Energiekrise zu kommen. Mehr als Sonne, Wind und...
II Salón del Gas Renovable
We are happy to present our biogas technology and welcome you on our booth number 263 at II Gas Renewable Fair Trade in Valladolid on 5th and 6th October. See you there! #biogas #biomethane #gasrenovable #biometano #energiarenovable #Valladolid
Sustainable way to reduce the landfilling of organic waste using industrial biogas technology
A very high proportion of organic waste is still dumped on overloaded landfills, resulting in uncontrolled greenhouse gas emissions. Instead, organics can be used as a valuable resource for renewable energy production in form of electricity, or biomethane. From 1...
First biogas plant in Poland
First biogas plant in Poland! The time has come to officially present our new biogas plant! It will not only be our first installation in Poland, but the first one that Botres owns and operates! Construction work has started, and commissioning is planned for late...
IFAT 2022
We are happy to invite you to our stand at this year's IFAT in Munich. During the event our representatives will introduce you to our unique technology for the processing of municipal organic waste, food waste and other residues into valuable biogas and biomethane....
Botres Global is celebrating 10th anniversary!
We are celebrating 10 years anniversary of Botres Global! Since 2012 Botres Global has developed from Engineering to EPC. Recently, we could open a new chapter in company’s history: investing into our own plants. 10 years ago Stefan Kromus and Markus Grasmug...
Methane reduction through Biogas
A week ago, during COP26, a global partnership was announced by president of US and the EU Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen in order to cut emissions of methane by 2030. More than 100 countries have already joined the initiative. Their activities will mainly...
The role of hydrolysis in the process of anaerobic digestion.
Botres Global can be proud of its excellent results in terms of biogas yields and rapid methane generation. Our anaerobic digestion process is stable, and our technology is not limited to one type of substrate, on the contrary, it is very flexible. For many years we...